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Sauna And Its Effect On Well-Being

Posted In: Health & Wellness

Saunas have been used for various reasons. They’re part of many cultures and given just as many names. For Native Americans, sweat lodges were used for healing and in ceremonies, while the Russian culture had banyas and Finland had saunas deeply embedded in their tradition. The benefits of saunas were well-known and many have been scientifically proven. Saunas are gaining popularity in Chamblee, GA, and across the nation for their benefits, including boosting the feeling of well-being.

There are all types of saunas.

The original saunas of Finland used heated rocks to create heat, occasionally splashing water on the rocks to increase humidity. Modern saunas are either electrically heated or use infrared heat to warm the saunas. The infrared sauna heats the area differently than other types of saunas do. They warm the entire room, while far-infrared saunas use light waves that heat the user’s body instead of the whole room. It lets the user have a more intense sweat, keeping the room at a lower temperature and allowing a longer sauna stay.

You’ll get the same feeling as you would with moderate exercise.

The body reacts to the heat in all types of saunas as it does when you exercise. It increases the heart rate, increases circulation, and produces volumes of sweat. The difference between the infrared sauna and the traditional sauna is the user gets the effects at a lower temperature, so it is good for people who can’t handle the higher heat.

The relaxation comes from the shift to the parasympathetic nervous system—PSNS.

When your sympathetic nervous system—SNS—takes over, your body goes into fight or flight mode. Stress can cause that. It causes the heart rate and blood pressure to rise and makes other changes in the body to allow you to exit a situation rapidly or stay and fight. The PSNS does the opposite. It helps the body relax. There are many ways to shift from the SNS to the rest-and-recovery nervous PSNS. The body makes changes to accommodate the heat from a sauna. They are similar to ones from light exercise. Those changes trigger the PSNS and put your body in a recovery state. Like massage and meditation, it’s a way to help your body relax and enjoy a feeling of well-being.

  • When you warm your muscles, it helps relax the muscles. You don’t have to be an athlete to get benefits. The infrared heat goes deep into the muscle tissue and improves recovery.
  • The increased circulation helps move the blood to all parts of the body. It can increase circulation to the digestive system and activate the parasympathetic nerves. Sweating also activates the rest and relaxes PSNS.
  • Many people feel less muscle and joint pain after sauna sessions. Others appreciate the improved sleep and overall relaxation each session provides.
  • While more studies are necessary, some studies show improved cardiovascular health, improved range of motion in people with rheumatoid arthritis, and reduced inflammation with a reduction of cortisol, the stress hormone.

For more information, contact us today at Thrive Sauna Studio